本文根据联合国网站上的Guidelines for gender-inclusive language in English 总结而来,例子来源于该页面。
- 谈话的类型(正式与否,友好还是严峻等,书面还是口语)、上下文、受众和目的。
- 可读性。
- 在整个沟通过程中变换使用多种说法。
英语中表示性别的词只有几个,代词和所有格,以及部分名词和称呼方式。多数名词不区分性别,比如teacher和president。而一些名词区分,比如actor/actress,waiter/waitress。有些词以man结尾,但是现在已经有更好的表达方式,比如police officer 代替policeman/policewoman, spokesperson 代替spokesman, chair/chairperson 代替chairman。
反面示例:”Professor Smith (对男性使用了姓氏和职称) and Madeline (对女性使用名) will attend the luncheon.”
正面示例:”Professor Smith and Professor Jones will attend the luncheon (都使用姓氏和职称).”
“She throws/runs/fights like a girl.”指女性柔弱无力。
“In a manly way.”指男性更有气势。
“Oh, that’s women’s work.”指女性应当那么做,男性没有相关的责任。
“Thank you to the ladies for making the room more beautiful.”指女性和室内装点布置相关。
“Men just don’t understand.”指男性不具备同情心。
反面样例:”Guests are cordially invited to attend with their wives.”默认了邀请的客人是男性,女性是附带参加的,同时也限制于异性婚姻。
正面样例:”Guests are cordially invited to attend with their partners.”没有性别、婚姻和性取向的隐含限制。
- “Women should not seek out leadership positions.”
- “Men cannot do two things at the same time.”
第一种方法是使用成对的含有性别信息的代词例如he or she; her or his,但在英语中建议不要过度使用,一面扰乱读者思绪。在特别严谨和准确的地方可能不适合,比如法律文书(只规定男女,那么变性人、双性人怎么办?)。
“When a staff member accepts an offer of employment, he or she must be able to assume that the offer is duly authorized. To qualify for payment of the mobility incentive, she or he must have five years’ prior continuous service on a fixed-term or continuing appointment.”
“Boys and girls should attend the first cooking class with their parents.”
“All of the soldiers, both men and women, responded negatively to question 5 in the survey.”
使用中性词,例如把”Mankind”换成”Humankind”, “humanity”, “human race”,不用”Man-made”而用”Artificial”, “human-caused”。
反面样例:”Plans to outsource some 19 services have not proceeded at the anticipated pace, as there are significant manpower shortages.”
正面样例:”Plans to outsource some 19 services have not proceeded at the anticipated pace, as there are significant staffing shortages.””
例如: “Before submitting your document, send it to the focal point for their review; they will return it to you with comments.”
反面案例:”A staff member in Antarctica earns less than he would in New York.”
正面案例:“A staff member in Antarctica earns less than one in New York.”
反面案例:“If a complainant is not satisfied with the board’s decision, he can ask for a rehearing.”
正面案例:”A complainant who is not satisfied with the board’s decision can ask for a rehearing.”
反面案例:”Requests the Emergency Relief Coordinator to continue his/her efforts to strengthen the coordination of humanitarian assistance.”
正面案例:”Requests the Emergency Relief Coordinator to continue efforts to strengthen the coordination of humanitarian assistance.”
反面案例:”A person must reside continuously in the Territory for 20 years before he may apply for permanent residence.”
正面案例:”A person must reside continuously in the Territory for 20 years before applying for permanent residence.”
反面案例:”The author of a communication must have direct and reliable evidence of the situation he is describing.”
正面案例:”The author of a communication must have direct and reliable evidence of the situation being described.”